Friday, May 13, 2011

And yet another blog is born

Hi there. If anyone is reading this please remember to read my blog. It's going to be full of juicy guitar thingys.  I'm no pro or nothing, I just have a healthy love for those good ol six stringers. And it just so happens that I work in a recording studio, so i get all sorts of tasty guitar treats to photo and chat about every now and then. I will be blogging about things I read and hear about. Commenting and photographing various gems I encounter on my travels. And sharing the fruits of my guitar adventures with you, the blog reading pleb.

So Enjoy the blog and drop or comment or two.



Rocky Dee said...

This website gets about 5 hits a month. I haven't looked at it in about a year. So your return on this spam post (Based on an average of 2%) will be about 36 site visits a year. This post get about 5 hits a year, so your return on that would be a single site visit every twenty years. Sounds worth it, doesn't it? If you bothered to leave a link, which you diddnt. So it is clear that your not even good at spamming. My advice is to spam some forums (registered as your spammer name of coarse, otr is it?) , or your facebook account. you might find it more effective.

So, please next time, urinate on someone else's blog.

Have a nice day now.


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