Saturday, May 14, 2011

Gibson Firebird X - Beauty or Beast?

Its been quite a while since I visited the Gibson site to have a look see at their latest offerings. And I got the feeling that I've been asleep for the past few years. When did Gibson go all Hi-Tech? My god! What doesn't this guitar do? Hex Piezo pickup system, Acoustic guitar patches, Low impedance active output, Over 2000 pickup models and combinations and a "Pure Analogue" Audio engine. But none of this would be complete without the very impressive Robo-tuners and God awful grand dads favorite chair wood Finnish.

The latest in Gibson Tech is going to set you back a a little over $5000 a pop. But with all those features its no sup prize. Its just too bad it looks like that. The ugliest guitar I think I've ever seen. I'm sure you can get a Les Paul with all these features on. But I just dont understand why they move away from that classic Firebird look, the reversed headstock and tuners, the white scratch plate with the classic russian looking red graphic. Its a classic! The Original looks like a guitar of revolution, This one looks like it once belonged on a Jaguars dashboard. Like some kind of burly wooden blob with a guitar neck strapped onto it.

Below we have this horrible guitar in action. Ouch! My eyes are burning. What ever happened to Gibson? Why are they releasing these uber expensive, super ugly guitars? The Firebird X isnt available on Sweetwater yet. WHn it is Ill post some features. If I feel like it that is. 



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